quarta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2009

Natural Horsemansip

The natural horsemanship is the balance of understanding between horses and man, is the acceptance by the established communication, so rather than ride a horse is to share a moment with the closest between the horse and his human friend.
Whatever the style of riding the reality of the relationship between you and your horse can change for the better with the introduction of the natural method of riding, all that you don’t understand about your horse or even what the horse does not understand about you, can be turned into communication and understanding by generating confidence and peace necessary for best results, creating customer satisfaction and harmony in a day's work or a simple leisurely walk.

Rui Pedro Arruda

1 comentário:

  1. Hi, do you have horses for sale?
    I have lusitano's since 1986 and am also into natural horsemanship since 2008.
    kind regards,
    Sandra from Belgium
